
The Prostitute Protection Act

The Prostitute Protection Act has been in force since 1 July 2017.

Since 1 July 2017, it has been mandatory for prostitutes to personally register their work. Anyone just starting out may only start work once they have registered. Anyone who worked as a prostitute in Germany before 1 July 2017 must register no later than 31 December 2017. This obligation to register applies to all persons providing sexual services.

If you want to operate a prostitution business, you will need an official permit. Prostitution businesses include brothels and similar establishments (e.g. sauna or nudism clubs, brothel flats or “model flats”), prostitution vehicles (e.g. “Love-Mobiles”), prostitution events (e.g. commercial sex parties), and prostitution agencies (e.g. escort agencies).

Before you can register, you have to attend a health consultation. The consultation is usually carried out by the health office (Gesundheitsamt), but other authorities may be responsible in some federal states. You can find this out at the local health office (Gesundheitsamt). The health advice mainly concerns such topics as protection against diseases, pregnancy, and contraception as well as the risks of alcohol and drug abuse.

A condom must be used during all sex acts – oral, anal, and vaginal. Prostitutes have the right to refuse sex acts without a condom. Prostitution establishments must put up a notice referring to the obligation to use a condom. Clients who do not use a condom may be fined. Operators and prostitutes may not promote unprotected sex.

More informations about the new Prostitute Protection Act

Online map

Address search for health offices, counseling centers, registration and health advice

(So far only in German)

Adressen Anmeldung Prostitution Gesundheitsberatung