Health advice for prostitutes

Health advice (Gesundheitliche Beratung)


Before you can register, you have to attend a health consultation. The consultation is usually carried out by the health office (Gesundheitsamt), but other authorities may be responsible in some federal states. You can find this out at the local health office (Gesundheitsamt).

The health advice mainly concerns such topics as protection against diseases, pregnancy, and contraception as well as the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. Please note: This consultation is confidential, and no information will be passed on. This means you can talk about other things too, for example if you feel you are stuck and need help and advice. If the prostitute does not speak German, or only a little, another person can be present during the consultation to interpret – provided the authority and the person seeking advice agree. The consultation will remain confidential even then.

After the health advice consultation, you will receive a certificate issued in your first and last name. You need this certificate to register. The health consultation must be attended every twelve months. Prostitutes who are younger than 21 have to attend every six months.

You must carry the health advice certificate with you when you work. Anyone who would prefer that this certificate were not issued in their real name can get an additional certificate that has an alias on it. The alias on the health advice certificate must be the same as the one on the registration certificate.